Bird, bug, butterfly and a wild variety of photos from Belarus, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Scotland and Spain by Irish wildlife photographer Patrick J. O'Keeffe and invited guests

Showing posts with label Butterflies of Fingal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butterflies of Fingal. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

LARGE WHITE BUTTERFLY or LARGE CABBAGE WHITE BUTTERFLY (Pieris brassicae) nectaring on a Dandalion (Taraxacum Officinale agg.) at Ardgillan Demense, Balbriggan, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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The Large White Butterfly (Pieris brassicae) or Large Cabbage White Butterfly is of the family Pieridae which is in the genus Pieris. It occurs very commonly through out Eurasia and North Africa as well as an introduced species in South Africa. Although larger, it can be confused with the Small White Butterfly (Pieris rapae) which has a much reduced black edge to the upper forewing.
Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds

Thursday, 21 April 2022

ORANGE TIP BUTTERFLY (Anthocharis cardamines) a male nectaring on Bluebell flowers (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) at Broadmeadow Estuary, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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Orange-tip Butterfly information
 The Orange-tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines) is of the family Pieridae which is in the genus Anthocharis. This common and widespread species is on the wing from early May to late June. The larval food plant is Cuckoo Flower (Cardamine pratensis) which is also known as Lady's Smock. It overwinters as a chrysalis.
Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

SMALL TORTOISESHELL BUTTERFLY (Aglais urticae), twelve were counted during a two hour visit including this tattered individual nectaring on Dandalions (Taraxacum Officinale agg.) at Balscadden, Howth, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Click external link here for detailed species information
The Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly (Aglais urticae) is of the family Nymphalidae which is in the genus Aglais. It has a widespread distribution in the Palearctic region but is absent from southern Asia.  
 Overwintering as an adult, its cryptic under wing pattern helps to avoid detection by predators. It emerges from hibernation in the spring to lay eggs on its larval plant. The caterpillars (larvae) feed on Common Nettle (Urtica dioica).

Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

RED ADMIRAL BUTTERFLY (Vanessa atalanta) Turvey Nature Reserve, Donabate, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland


Click external link here for detailed species information 

Click external link here to see identification guide to Irish Butterflies

The Red Admiral Butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) is of the family Nymphalidae which is in the genus Vanessa.

Monday, 27 September 2021

COMMA BUTTERFLY (Polygonia c-album) two on the Bird Walk trail Turvey Nature Reserve, Donabate, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Click external link here for detailed species information
Click external link here to see identification guide to Irish Butterflies
The Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-aibum) is of the family Nymphalidae which is in the genus Polygonia
This common species has a widespread distribution in the temperate regions of Eurasia and North Africa. Formally absent from Ireland, it is only in recent times that it has been added to the Irish Butterfly List. It was first reliably reported near Portaferry, Co. Down in August 1997 and again in August 1998. There were no further reports until 17th August 2000 when there was a fully verified record from the Raven Nature Reserve, Co. Wexford. Proof of breeding was subsequently confirmed in that area. Over the last ten years, it has rapidly expanded its range from southeast Co. Wexford and has now colonised most of southern Leinster as well as eastern Munster.
The larval food plant is mainly Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) and the flight season is from late March to late September, split over two generations. Having overwintered as an adult, it emerges in late spring and then after mating, lays its eggs on the larval food plant.
The 1st record for Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork on 14th October 2019 (pers. comm. Jim Fitzharris) might be an indication of fresh immigration from Britain or Continental Europe. 
Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

COMMA BUTTERFLY (Polygonia c-album) nectaring on BLACKTHORN (Prunus spinosa) blossoms, Turvey Nature Reserve, Donabate, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Click external link here for detailed species information
Click external link here to see identification guide to Irish Butterflies
The Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-aibum) is of the family Nymphalidae which is in the genus Polygonia
This common species has a widespread distribution in the temperate regions of Eurasia and North Africa. Formally absent from Ireland, it is only in recent times that it has been added to the Irish Butterfly List. It was first reliably reported near Portaferry, Co. Down in August 1997 and again in August 1998. There were no further reports until 17th August 2000 when there was a fully verified record from the Raven Nature Reserve, Co. Wexford. Proof of breeding was subsequently confirmed in that area. Over the last ten years, it has rapidly expanded its range from southeast Co. Wexford and has now colonised most of southern Leinster as well as eastern Munster.
The larval food plant is mainly Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) and the flight season is from late March to late September, split over two generations. Having overwintered as an adult, it emerges in late spring and then after mating, lays its eggs on the larval food plant.
The 1st record for Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork on 14th October 2019 (pers. comm. Jim Fitzharris) might be an indication of fresh immigration from Britain or Continental Europe. 
Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds

Sunday, 18 April 2021

GREEN VEINED WHITE BUTTERFLY (Pieris napi) Turvey Nature Reserve, Donabate, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Click here for detailed species information
The Green-veined White Butterfly (Pieris napi) is of the family Pieridae which is in the genus Pieris. It commonly occurs in Eurasia as well as North America. This species is on the wing from March to October, over several generations, but in Ireland the normal flight season extends from mid April to mid September. It hibernates during the winter as a chrysalis.

Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds

Sunday, 11 April 2021

COMMA BUTTERFLY (Polygonia c-album) one of two individuals seen on 27-03-2021, freshly emerged from hibernation and were subsequently observed nectaring on BLACKTHORN (Prunus spinosa) blossoms, Turvey Nature Reserve, Donabate, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Click external link here for detailed species information
Click external link here to see identification guide to Irish Butterflies
The Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-aibum) is of the family Nymphalidae which is in the genus Polygonia
This common species has a widespread distribution in the temperate regions of Eurasia and North Africa. Formally absent from Ireland, it is only in recent times that it has been added to the Irish Butterfly List. It was first reliably reported near Portaferry, Co. Down in August 1997 and again in August 1998. There were no further reports until 17th August 2000 when there was a fully verified record from the Raven Nature Reserve, Co. Wexford. Proof of breeding was subsequently confirmed in that area. Over the last ten years, it has rapidly expanded its range from southeast Co. Wexford and has now colonised most of southern Leinster as well as eastern Munster.
The larval food plant is mainly Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) and the flight season is from late March to late September, split over two generations. Having overwintered as an adult, it emerges in late spring and then after mating, lays its eggs on the larval food plant.
The 1st record for Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork on 14th October 2019 (pers. comm. Jim Fitzharris) might be an indication of fresh immigration from Britain or Continental Europe. 
Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds

Saturday, 27 March 2021

COMMA BUTTERFLY (Polygonia c-album) one of two individuals seen today, freshly emerged from hibernation and were subsequently observed nectaring on BLACKTHORN (Prunus spinosa) blossoms, Turvey Nature Reserve, Donabate, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Click external link here for detailed species information
Click external link here to see identification guide to Irish Butterflies
The Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-aibum) is of the family Nymphalidae which is in the genus Polygonia
This common species has a widespread distribution in the temperate regions of Eurasia and North Africa. Formally absent from Ireland, it is only in recent times that it has been added to the Irish Butterfly List. It was first reliably reported near Portaferry, Co. Down in August 1997 and again in August 1998. There were no further reports until 17th August 2000 when there was a fully verified record from the Raven Nature Reserve, Co. Wexford. Proof of breeding was subsequently confirmed in that area. Over the last ten years, it has rapidly expanded its range from southeast Co. Wexford and has now colonised most of southern Leinster as well as eastern Munster.
The larval food plant is mainly Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) and the flight season is from late March to late September, split over two generations. Having overwintered as an adult, it emerges in late spring and then after mating, lays its eggs on the larval food plant.
The 1st record for Cape Clear Island, Co. Cork on 14th October 2019 (pers. comm. Jim Fitzharris) might be an indication of fresh immigration from Britain or Continental Europe. 
Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds

Sunday, 24 March 2013

HOLLY BLUE BUTTERFLY (Celastrina argiolus) female Broadmeadow Estuary, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Click here for detailed species information

The Holly Blue Butterfly (Celastrina argiolus) is a small butterfly in the family Lycaenids which is in the genus Celastrina. It is a widespread species and occurs in North America as well as Eurasia but is absent from the colder northern parts of this range. Up to 14 subspecies are generally recognised. There are two generations and it is one of the earliest blue butterflies to be seen, emerging in late spring. Later in the season, it can be confused with similar coloured species but it has very distinctive black speckling on its under wing.  
Patrick J. O'Keeffe / Raw Birds